Growing Pains and Healing
I am getting a late start to this annual update. This would be just one more indicator of how much has been happening in the world of Foundations.
In 2022, we saw our values and philosophy tested to the limit. As with all sectors of healthcare, we also experienced the weight of inflation and the rapid shift of available funds. Many healthcare organizations experienced massive layoffs and financial crises as well as crucial staff turnover– all during a global pandemic and overall national healthcare shortage. While we also experienced financial strain and staff turnover, these experiences furthered our resolve, our dedication to our important work, and left us with an improved workplace culture of teamwork and collaboration.
Personally speaking, 2022 underlined the increasing distress and burnout experienced by many healthcare workers– myself included. While struggling with depression, I found that many of my best friends and fellow healthcare workers were simply not available to be there in the ways that would have been helpful. It can be such a lonely place to be a therapist, a boss, a business owner, and also need to reach out for help. I am proud to say that I did reach out for help and that I spoke up. While many people were not available or willing to help, I am very fortunate to have family and professionals who showed up and came alongside to my aid. To all of you who were there– thank you and you know who you are.
As we in the healthcare field continue to face the challenges of burnout, underfunding, as well as supporting an increasingly ill population, we must show up for one another. Many of us struggle in silence and do not have the family and the support that I have. We simply must support one another.
I am making the pledge to do more as well.
With all the sacrifice brings reward as well. We have successfully balanced our budgets, fostered a collaborative working environment, and have added benefits of health, vision, dental, and retirement. We have welcomed an amazing virtual receptionist as well. We are super legit and here to stay.
With special thanks going to Jennifer Anderson, one of our senior most partners with Foundations, we have been able to expand into the beautiful State of Florida. Located in South Bradenton, our spaces bring the same Foundations' flare but with a fun tropical twist. Not even a month after opening as well, we weathered our first hurricane successfully. We are so excited to have our Florida team along with us on this ride! Next steps: Continuing to sort out the never-ending insurance paneling process. We are so lucky to have Jarrod’s help with this!
Florida office
Pride Schools
Counselors and administrators with Pride Prep and Innovations High School invited us to be onsite to offer mental health resources to their student population. I have been aware of their incredible project-based approach to education for some time now and am so excited to be able to partner with them. This has been one of the most rewarding projects this past year. To date, with special thanks going to Alysa Johnson and Hope Gerdon, they have been able to serve 38 students.
New Services
It has been a goal since opening in 2018 to be able to offer our communities medication management in combination with psychotherapy. The research is clear that using these tools in tandem works amazingly well for many or our consumers. We have been so lucky to begin this new journey with Ursula Avilus who is now available to meet with folks and provide psychiatric and mediation services to our clients. I am so excited to have Ursula on board with us! This is also where I get to mention how incredible Jarrod has been in helping to navigate this new addition with regard to insurance paneling.
More to come: Psychological testing perhaps? Let's wait and see.
The Numbers
Foundations fell short of our predictions in the year 2022 by nearly $300,000. That said, we still saw a 15% increase in overall revenue over 2021 making this our best year ever yet again. More than one million dollars was paid to our contracts and staff in earned wages and commissions. I cannot express just how grateful I am to be in a place where I get to see our team members thrive, expand their families, buy homes, and continue to exercise their passion in the field.
Forty-two therapists served 1,100 clients providing more than 15,000 services. With respect to diversity and honoring our commitment to giving voice to marginalized folks, our team is approximately 72% female, 21% BIPOC, and 24% LGBQT+.
Into the FuturE
Thus far, 2023 has been off to a wonderful start despite the ongoing surprise snow storms. The growing pains have given way to stability, predictability, and excitement for more to come. I am excited about our continued efforts toward growth in a sustainable way that will take our philosophy for clinician and client empowerment forward.
I am particularly excited for expansion into medication management and cohesive wrap around services. I am also excited to plan for EMDR intensive clinics using the latest research. Additionally, I am incredibly excited to welcome folks back into our offices for group therapy offerings including a fun outdoor youth summer group to support social anxiety and social skill-building in youth impacted by COVID-19 and isolation. We are going to have FUN!
In closing, I want to express my gratitude for this incredible team and for all they do. I am honored each and every day to have the opportunity to learn and grow from each. For this coming year as a way to try to say “Thank you,” I am planning to double down on efforts toward kindness and supporting fellow health workers as well as working to do better in taking care of myself as well.
Have a wonder 2023!