Billy Crawford-Heim
William “Billy” Crawford-Heim, LMHCA
In a perfect world, we are operating at 100% energy, vigor, and zest. Life's trials and tribulations can inhibit our ability to fully self express. I offer to you the opportunity to get past and triumph over factors in your life that are inhibiting your ability to achieve your goals and aspirations. Whether you struggle from a physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual impediment, our time together will focus on your wants and needs so that you can overcome any such challenges and move forward in the present in an empowered manner. If you are ready, I am ready to support you; if you are unsure, I can help you to choose.
I focus on a client-centered therapeutic alliance that builds upon our alliance to challenge you in ways that will help you to find introspection, growth, and success over that which has been historically stopping you. I promise to meet you exactly where you are and be your guide towards resolution.
To accept counseling into your life is to acknowledge that you deserve wellness on a mental and emotional level. For too long you have struggled to handle life's challenges on your own; together, we will achieve insights that you didn't even realize were possible. Growth and self-empowerment are in your future!
My Office
3917 N. Monroe
Spokane, WA, 99205
United States
p. (509) 822-6777 ext 320
f. (509) 676-6655